Spread Commander

Spread Commander is an application for office-style data analysis that uses PowerShell script for data manipulation.

SpreadCommander contains advanced PowerShell console with output into Book (rich text editor), Spreadsheet, powerfull DataGrid and ability to generate Charts and Pivot tables. Combination with standalone Book, Spreadsheet, SQL, Chart, Pivot, Dashboard controls makes SpreadCommander a powerfull data analysis application for work with various kind of data.

Combination of PowerShell script and advanced data visualization controls makes work with data very comfortable.

Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements for Spread Commander are based on hardware requirements for supported Windows version. Supported Windows version is based on requirements of recent .Net Core (Core).

Spread Commander exists only in 64-bit version.

Parameter Minimum requirement
Processor 2 GHz 64bit
Disk space 1 GB free, SSD strongly recommended

Software requirements

Software requirements for Spread Commander are based on software requirements (Windows version) for recent .Net (Core) and requirements of recent PowerShell.

Spread Commander exists only in 64-bit version.

OS Version
Windows Client Windows 10
Windows Server 2016