$schost = Get-SCHost;
$schost.Silent = $true;
Invoke-SCScript '~#\..\Common\InitBookStyles.ps1';
Set-BookSectionHeader '<b>Spread Commander</b> - <i>Examples: Chart</i>' -Html;
Set-BookSectionFooter 'Page {PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}' -ExpandFields;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header1' 'CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Description' @'
<p><b>Chart</b> is a powerful tool that allows to visualize data. <b>Chart</b>
allows to output into a <b>Book</b> document or can be be saved in file for use
in other applications.</p>
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Creating new <b>Chart</b> starts with cmdlet </i>New-Chart</i>,
ends with cmdlet <i>Write-Chart</i> or <i>Save-Chart</i>. Multiple other cmdlets
(help on <b>Chart</b> cmdlets is provided at end of this <b>Book</b>) allow
to customize charts, add multiple series, title, labels, customize axis etc.
Examples below demonstrate basic operations with <b>Chart</b>.</p>
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Description' @'
<p>Current script is accompanied with script file ReadMe.ps1 with
source code.</p>
#Retrieve sample data
$sqlData = @'
--#table Countries
select c.[Country Code], c.[Short Name] as Country, c.[Special Notes]
from Countries c
where c.[Country Code] in ('ARB', 'CEB', 'EAS', 'ECS', 'LCN', 'MEA', 'NAC', 'SAS', 'SSF')
order by c.[Country Code];
--#table Data
select c.[Country Code], c.[Short Name] as Country,
gdp.Year, (gdp.Value / 1E9) as GDP, epc.Value as EPC
from Countries c
join [NY.GDP.MKTP.CD] gdp on gdp.[Country Code] = c.[Country Code]
join [EG.USE.ELEC.KH.PC] epc on epc.[Country Code] = c.[Country Code] and epc.Year = gdp.Year
where c.[Country Code] in ('ARB', 'CEB', 'EAS', 'ECS', 'LCN', 'MEA', 'NAC', 'SAS', 'SSF')
order by c.[Country Code], gdp.Year;
$dataSet = Invoke-SqlScript 'sqlite:~#\..\Data\WorldData.db' -Query:$sqlData;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'BAR CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>First chart shows basic <i>Bar</i> chart with main elements -
<b>Chart</b> itself, <b>Title</b>, <b>Legend</b>.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year % 3 -eq 0 } |
New-Chart Bar -SeriesField:'Country' 'Year' 'GDP' -NoLabels |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight `
-TitleText:'Regional GDP, billions USD' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'LINE CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Another basic <b>Chart</b> - with <i>Line</i> series.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] |
New-Chart Line -SeriesField:'Country' 'Year' 'GDP' -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' `
-NoLabels |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight `
-TitleText:'Regional GDP, billions USD' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:2000;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'STACKED AREA CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Another basic <b>Chart</b> - with <i>StackedArea</i> series.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] |
New-Chart StackedArea -SeriesField:'Country' 'Year' 'GDP' -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' `
-ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint -NoLabels |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight `
-TitleText:'Regional GDP, billions USD' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'FULL STACKED AREA CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Another basic <b>Chart</b> - with <i>FullStackedArea</i> series.
This <b>Chart</b> shows data for every 5-years period (previous chart - yearly data),
and shows <i>labels</i>.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year % 5 -eq 0 } |
New-Chart FullStackedArea -SeriesField:'Country' 'Year' 'GDP' -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight `
-TitleText:'Regional GDP, billions USD' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'AREA 3D CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>3D charts are supported too. To make <b>Chart</b> provide more
information it is painted to higher size and <i>Scale=0.5</i> is applied.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] |
New-Chart Area3D -SeriesField:'Country' 'Year' 'GDP' -NoLabels `
-DiagramFillMode:Gradient -DiagramBackColor:DarkGray -DiagramBackColor2:White `
-RotationAngleX:10 -RotationAngleY:20 -RotationAngleZ:5 |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:RightOutside `
-AlignmentVertical:Center -Direction:TopToBottom `
-TitleText:'Regional GDP, billions USD' |
Write-Chart -Width:4000 -Height:3200 -Scale:0.5;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'PIE CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Another basic <b>Chart</b> - with <i>Pie</i> series.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2018 } | Sort-Object -Property: 'GDP' |
New-Chart Pie 'Country' 'GDP' -TextPattern:'{A}, {V:F0}' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP (2018)' -Font:'Tahoma,30,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -Font:'Tahoma,7' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'DOUGHNUT CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Another basic <b>Chart</b> - with <i>Doughnut</i> series.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2018 } | Sort-Object -Property: 'GDP' |
New-Chart Doughnut 'Country' 'GDP' -TextPattern:'{A}, {V:F0}' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP (2018)' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -Font:'Tahoma,7' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'PIE 3D CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Another basic <b>Chart</b> - with <i>Pie3D</i> series.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2018 } | Sort-Object -Property: 'GDP' |
New-Chart Pie3D 'Country' 'GDP' -TextPattern:'{A}, {V:F0}' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP (2018)' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -Font:'Tahoma,7' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'FUNNEL CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Another basic <b>Chart</b> - with <i>Funnel</i> series.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2018 } |
Sort-Object -Property:'GDP' -Descending |
New-Chart Funnel 'Country' 'GDP' -TextPattern:'{A}, {V:F0}' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP (2018)' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -Font:'Tahoma,7' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'FUNNEL 3D CHART';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Another basic <b>Chart</b> - with <i>Funnel3D</i> series.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2018 } |
Sort-Object -Property:'GDP' -Descending |
New-Chart Funnel3D 'Country' 'GDP' -TextPattern:'{A}, {V:F0}' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP (2018)' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -Font:'Tahoma,7' |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'MULTIPLE SERIES';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Next <b>Chart</b> shows how to place multiple series on the same
<i>Diagram</i> (<i>Diagram</i> is <b>Chart</b>'s surface). <i>Series</i> are
adding individually. In <i>New-Chart</i> cmdlet series type is required and
must be compatible with every <i>Series</i> that will be adding later.
For example, <i>Bar</i>, <i>Line</i>, <i>Area</i> series are compatible;
<i>Bar</i> and <i>Pie</i> are not compatible, as well as 2D and 3D series.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2014 } |
New-Chart Line -NoLegend |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GPD and Electric Power Consumption, 2014' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Add-ChartSeries Line 'Country' 'GDP' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Add-ChartAxis Y 'Y_EPC' |
Add-ChartSeries Area 'Country' 'EPC' -AxisY:'Y_EPC' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:1600;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'MULTIPLE PANES';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Next <b>Chart</b> shows how to place multiple series on different
<i>Panes</i> (<i>Pane></i> is a part of <i>Diagram</i> that is <b>Chart</b>'s surface).</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2014 } |
New-Chart Line -NoLegend -GridLayout -RowDefinitions:'2,1' -ColumnDefinitions:'1' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GPD and Electric Power Consumption, 2014' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
Add-ChartSeries Line 'Country' 'GDP' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Add-ChartPane 'Pane2' -Row:1 -Column:0 |
Add-ChartSeries Area 'Country' 'EPC' -Pane:'Pane2' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:2000;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'MULTIPLE SERIES AND PANES';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Next <b>Chart</b> shows combination of multiple <i>Series</i> on
multiple <i>Panes</i>.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2014 } |
New-Chart Line -NoLegend -GridLayout -RowDefinitions:'2,1' -ColumnDefinitions:'1,1' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GPD and Electric Power Consumption, 2014' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic' |
#Add first series
Add-ChartSeries Line 'Country' 'GDP' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Add-ChartAxis Y 'Y_EPC' |
Add-ChartSeries Area 'Country' 'EPC' -AxisY:'Y_EPC' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
#Have to have a series before setting default pane
Set-ChartDefaultPane -Row:0 -Column:0 -ColumnSpan:2 |
#Add second series
Add-ChartPane 'Pane_GDP' -Row:1 -Column:0 |
Add-ChartSeries Line 'Country' 'GDP' -Pane:'Pane_GDP' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
#Add third series
Add-ChartPane 'Pane_EPC' -Row:1 -Column:1 |
Add-ChartSeries Area 'Country' 'EPC' -Pane:'Pane_EPC' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
#Output chart into Book
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:2400;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'CHART CONTEXT';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Same <b>Chart</b> as previous one, but built using <i>ChartContext</i>
variable. This technique is useful when it is not known how much <i>Series</i> will be
$chart = $dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2014 } |
New-Chart Line -NoLegend -GridLayout -RowDefinitions:'2,1' -ColumnDefinitions:'1,1' |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GPD and Electric Power Consumption, 2014' -Font:'Tahoma,18,Italic';
$chart = $chart |
Add-ChartSeries Line 'Country' 'GDP' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Add-ChartAxis Y 'Y_EPC' |
Add-ChartSeries Area 'Country' 'EPC' -AxisY:'Y_EPC' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Set-ChartDefaultPane -Row:0 -Column:0 -ColumnSpan:2;
$chart = $chart |
#Add second series
Add-ChartPane 'Pane_GDP' -Row:1 -Column:0 |
Add-ChartSeries Line 'Country' 'GDP' -Pane:'Pane_GDP' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint;
$chart = $chart |
Add-ChartPane 'Pane_EPC' -Row:1 -Column:1 |
Add-ChartSeries Area 'Country' 'EPC' -Pane:'Pane_EPC' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint;
$chart |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:2400;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'CHART BITMAPS AND HTML TEMPLATE';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify><b>Charts</b> can be saved into variables (as <i>System.Drawing.Bitmap</i>
objects) and written into a <b>Book</b> using cmdlet <i>Write-Html</i> with embedded <i>Fields</i>.</p>
$chart1 = $dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2014 } |
New-Chart Line -NoLegend |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GPD and Electric Power Consumption, 2014' -Font:'Tahoma,1,Italic' |
Add-ChartSeries Line 'Country' 'GDP' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -HideLabels |
Add-ChartAxis Y 'Y_EPC' |
Add-ChartSeries Area 'Country' 'EPC' -AxisY:'Y_EPC' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -HideLabels |
Save-Chart -InMemory -Width:1000 -Height:1000;
$chart2 = $dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2014 } |
New-Chart Line -NoLegend |
Add-ChartTitle 'Regional GDP, 2014' -Font:'Tahoma,12,Italic' |
Add-ChartSeries Line 'Country' 'GDP' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Save-Chart -InMemory -Width:1000 -Height:1000;
$chart3 = $dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2014 } |
New-Chart Area -NoLegend |
Add-ChartTitle 'Electric Power Consumption, 2014' -Font:'Tahoma,12,Italic' |
Add-ChartSeries Area 'Country' 'EPC' |
Set-ChartSeriesLabel -TextPattern:'{V:F0}' -ResolveOverlappingMode:JustifyAllAroundPoint |
Save-Chart -InMemory -Width:1000 -Height:1000;
Write-Html @'
<td>{#IMAGE chart1}</td>
<td>{#SPREADTABLE $SPREAD Data}</td>
<td>{#IMAGE chart2}</td>
<td>{#IMAGE chart3}</td>
<td colspan=2>{#SPREADTABLE $SPREAD Countries}</td>
'@ -ExpandFields `
-Snippets:@{ 'chart1'=$chart1; 'chart2'=$chart2; 'chart3'=$chart3 };
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header3' 'CHART INDICATORS';
Write-Html -ParagraphStyle:'Text' @'
<p align=justify>Different <i>Indicators</i> such as <b>Regression</b>, <b>Moving Average</b>,
<b>Error Bars</b> can be added to the <b>Chart</b>.</p>
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Country -eq 'Europe & Central Asia' } |
New-Chart Line |
Set-ChartLegend -ShadowColor:Gray -AlignmentHorizontal:Center `
-AlignmentVertical:BottomOutside -Direction:LeftToRight `
-TitleText:'Europe & Central Asia GDP, billions USD' |
Add-ChartSeries -Name:'GDP' Line 'Year' 'GDP' -NoLabels |
Add-ChartIndicator RegressionLine -SeriesName:'GDP' -Name:'Regression' `
-Color:'Red' -ShowInLegend |
Add-ChartIndicator SMA -SeriesName:'GDP' -Name:'Simple Moving Average' `
-Color:'Blue' -ShowInLegend |
Add-ChartIndicator TMA -SeriesName:'GDP' -Name:'Triangular Moving Average' `
-Color:'SteelBlue' -ShowInLegend |
Add-ChartIndicator EMA -SeriesName:'GDP' -Name:'Exponential Moving Average' `
-Color:'SteelBlue' -ShowInLegend |
Add-ChartIndicator StandardErrorBars -SeriesName:'GDP' -Name:'Standard Error Bars' `
-Color:'Brown' -ShowInLegend |
Write-Chart -Width:2000 -Height:2000;
$dataSet.Tables['Countries'] |
Select-Object -Property:@{Name='Code'; Expression='Country Code'}, 'Country', 'Special Notes' |
Out-SpreadTable -TableName:'Countries' -SheetName:'Countries' `
-TableStyle:Medium1 -WrapText `
-ColumnWidths: @{ 'Code'=15; 'Country'=25; 'Special Notes'=40 } `
-VerticalAlignment:Top -Replace;
$dataSet.Tables['Data'] | ?{ $_.Year -eq 2014 } |
Select-Object -Property:@{Name='Code'; Expression='Country Code'}, 'GDP', 'EPC' |
Sort-Object -Property: 'Code' |
Out-SpreadTable -TableName:'Data' -SheetName:'Data' `
-ColumnNumberFormats:@{ 'GDP'= '#,##0'; 'EPC'='#,##0' } `
-ColumnWidths: @{ 'Code'=5; 'GDP'=10; 'EPC'=10 } `
-TableStyle:Medium1 -Replace;
Add-BookSection -ContinuePageNumbering -LinkHeaderToPrevious -LinkFooterToPrevious;
Add-BookSection -ContinuePageNumbering -LinkHeaderToPrevious -LinkFooterToPrevious;
Write-Text -ParagraphStyle:'Header2' 'Table of Contents';